(641) 637-4187 2163 135th Street, New Sharon, IA 50207


Parenting ACTion: Tips for Active, Compassionate, and Resilient Parents is a comprehensive video series designed to empower parents with practical strategies and insights to navigate the challenges of raising children in today’s dynamic world. Through this engaging series, parents will discover a proactive approach to parenting that emphasizes three key pillars:

Active Parenting Techniques: Learn dynamic and hands-on methods to engage with your children effectively. From interactive playtime to open communication, these techniques will help you foster strong connections and understanding with your kids at every stage of their development.

Compassionate Parenting Insights: Discover the power of empathy and emotional intelligence in your parenting journey. This segment offers guidance on how to create a safe and nurturing environment where your children feel heard, validated, and supported, leading to a more harmonious family dynamic.

Resilience-Building Strategies: Parenthood comes with its share of challenges, and resilience is key to navigating them. In this section, you’ll explore strategies to help your children develop resilience and adaptability, equipping them with the skills to face life’s ups and downs confidently.

Each video in this series is designed to provide actionable tips, real-life scenarios, and expert advice to help you become an active, compassionate, and resilient parent. Whether you’re dealing with resistant children, teenage dilemmas, or any other parenting situation, “Parenting ACTion” empowers you with the knowledge and skills needed to create a supportive and thriving family environment. Get ready to embrace the journey of parenthood with confidence and joy.

Video 1

Introduction to Parenting ACTion Tips for Active, Compassionate, and Resilient Parents

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 2

Empowering Parents Navigating School Refusal Together

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 3

Harmonious Parenting Mastering Conflict Management with Your Child

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 4

Cultivating Growth Mindset Nurturing Resilience and Learning in Your Child

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 5

Nurturing Perseverance Empowering Your Child’s Path to Success

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 6

Emotionally Empowered Parenting Nurturing Emotional Regulation in Your Child

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.

Video 7

Parental Support Overcoming School Challenges with Your Child

Tips for active, resilient, and compassionate parents.