(641) 637-4187 2163 135th Street, New Sharon, IA 50207

Website Accessibility Notice

North Mahaska Community School District

North Mahaska Community School District makes it a priority to ensure that the content on this website is accessible to everyone, including users of assistive technology. We comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a minimum of a WCAG 2.0 level.

While we strive to create every page as accessible as possible, we welcome you to request that we provide you the information in an alternative format to make it compatible with your needs.

This website integrates with platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, and Instagram. These outside websites are provided by their respective companies, and we are not responsible for their adherence to accessibility standards.

If you are using assistive technology and are having issues navigating our site, please fill out the form below so we can supply you with an alternative format.

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