Elementary School
Our Mission
Here at North Mahaska we believe that quality education is key to personal development and begins at birth. Beyond educational development we strive to encourage personal growth and instill quality social skills. By using a variety of learning techniques you can be assured that your child is receiving a well-rounded and individualized education. Our teaching staff has a passion for the curriculum and child development which shines through in the care and excitement they bring to their classroom. Our mission is to help all children reach their maximum potential and set them up for a successful future.
From Our Parents
“Students are expected to do their best, and held to a higher standard at North Mahaska… We are very happy with North Mahaska school and very happy to be a part of it!”
“As a North Mahaska graduate, my husband and I picked North Mahaska for their strong program of core academics and enrichment of their students. We also love how the community supports North Mahaska and one another.”
Amber Goaemaat
Email: goemaata@nmwarhawks.org
Phone: 641-637-4041
2024-2025 K-6 Supply List (Coming soon)
Recent Warhawk News
Pep Bus Available to State Wrestling on Thursday
A pep bus will be made available to the State Wrestling Meet on Thursday, February 14 for grades 7-12. The cost to ride the bus is $5.00. This does not include the cost of the ticket into the tournament. The ticket cost $10.00. We must have 30 people signed up by...
Girls Regional Basketball Schedule Change
The girls regional basketball game with Southeast Warren has been moved to Wednesday, February 13 at 7:00 pm at North Mahaska.
Basketball Games at HLV Cancelled
The Boys basketball games at HLV have been cancelled for tonight, Monday, February 11.