When: Saturday, June 13, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM
Where: North Mahaska High School Football Field
General Information: Graduates and staff will be seated on the football field (maintaining social distancing between persons). We will have a trailer on the field to utilize as a stage and will use the stadium sound system. We will have a photographer on the field to capture pictures of graduates as they cross the stage to receive their diploma. We ask that no one leave the stands to get pictures. We will also be broadcasting the graduation Live on Facebook as well as on MCG.
Graduate Information: Be looking for information regarding time for arrival, line-up, etc. This will be sent in the coming weeks via your school email and Mr. Ehret’s Remind list. Please park on the football practice field to leave room in the parking lot for family and friends.
Immediate Family Information: We ask that only parents sit in the home bleachers. Siblings may join parents if they live in the same household. We will have the stands sectioned off to help give visuals to appropriate spacing for spectators. We will also ask that you fill out a card and place it in a basket with your Graduate’s Name as well as the email address(es) where you would like the digital photo files sent. Please park on the football practice field to leave room in the parking lot for family and friends.
Extended Family & Friends Information: Extended family members and friends should remain in their vehicles in the north parking lot of the school, or parked on the hill similar to football games. Please do not sit in the visitor bleachers. They will be roped off.
**There will NOT be a receiving line after the ceremony.**
*If any graduate does not wish to participate in the ceremony, you may schedule a time with Mrs. Goemaat to receive your diploma after the original graduation date of May 17. Or you may request that your diploma be mailed to you.
As stated above, there will not be a receiving line after the ceremony, however, we know that the community would love to be able to congratulate the class of 2020! So, in conjunction with the “Lights On for 2020” movement where schools turn on their stadium lights in support of the class of 2020 at 8:20 each Friday night, North Mahaska will be hosting a Community Celebratory Parade!
When: Friday, May 15, 2020
Time: 8:00pm
Where: NM High School North Parking Lot
Senior Information: Please arrive at the school no later than 7:45 pm. Bring a lawn chair, unless you’d like to stand. Park along the building (where the teacher’s normally park). DO NOT wear your cap and gown (we don’t want them to get stained prior to commencement). DO wear NM gear! We ask that you stay in your own area and do not group together. You will be lined up alphabetically by last name.
Community Information: Calling all WARHAWKS!!!!! We ask that all well-wishers enter the parking lot from the NORTH entrance (Depot/Mulberry Street) and proceed along the North side of the parking lot, where each grad will be distanced along the football & baseball fences. (See aerial photo) We will not open the North gates until 8:00pm. Graduates will be lined up in alphabetical order by last name. Please DO NOT get out of your vehicle. You may honk, wave, and hollar to show your support for the class of 2020! All cars will exit the school grounds through the SOUTH gate.