North Mahaska Athletic Boosters is honored to support North Mahaska Strength & Conditioning Program through the expansion of hours for the NM weight room.
It is the goal of NM to assure the success of each student within our community. NMAB supports the NM Athletic Department in providing students with an opportunity to be the best and strongest each can be. Volunteers are manning the weight room to allow all trained NM Students greater access to getting their work-out completed.
Monday – Friday
Morning Hours: 6:15 – 7:00 a.m.Monday – Thursday
After School until 5:30 p.m.Monday & Thursday
Evening Hours – 6:00 – 7:15 p.m.
Based on Mr. Ehret’s direction, through the guidance of William Penn University, the NM Athletic Boosters supports the strength and conditioning concept and has responded to the students and community asking for more. Through the willingness of many committed adults within the New Sharon community, we are excited to deepen the thread of healthy living through knowledge and understanding while working toward the betterment of all students. Through the direction of our service provider, William Penn University Athletics, we commit to working in cooperation with NM athletic department to provide a solid, sound baseline of quality support for each individual who has a desire to gain a healthy lifestyle through strength and conditioning.
This charge is a work in progress, so your input is welcome & encouraged.