Seniors Sean Knockel and Morgan Hudson will reign over homecoming activities this weekend. The two were elected this week by the student body and were announced and crowned at a packed house coronation Thursday.
Queen candidates included Kaitlyn Van Donselaar, Layla Hargis, Zoe Deucore, Morgan Hudson and Carlie Scholtus. King candidates were Clay Grandia, Sean Knockel, Sam Terpstra, Jaydyn Steil, and Michael DeJong.

Morgan Hudson received the crown from king Sean Knockel as North Mahaska began its homecoming celebration Thursday. Also pictured, Layla Hargis, left and Kaitlyn VanDonselaar in front row. In back behind Knockel, Sam Terpstra and Jaydyn Steil.
Teachers Jenna Hibler and Trey Bennett were elected as Mr. and Ms. Wonderful. Community members Ron and Kathi Thompson were grand marshals for the homecoming parade. Ron Thompson works as a custodian at the school while Kathi is an administrative assistant at Lighthouse Church. The Thompsons volunteer with several local and Mahaska County organizations.

Teachers Trey Bennet and Jenna Hibler were named Mr. and Ms. Wonderful at Thursday’s Homecoming coronation at North Mahaska.
Following the coronation ceremony, the cheerleaders, volleyball team, senior parents and teachers performed skits to prepare for
Friday’s football game against eighth-ranked Ogden. Homecoming royalty will be announced again prior to the game.
Garret Lamb and Lexi Van Utrecht served as emcees for the coronation and community pep rally.