(641) 637-4187 2163 135th Street, New Sharon, IA 50207

Last Thursday, North Mahaska was visited by the National Theatre for Children (NTC) and was able to view a performance in financial literacy. This marked the second in 4 years that the NTC has visited NM. The attending grades were fifth through seventh. The two performers spent time on the differences between debit cards and credit cards, and how each one affects your finances. The next “act” was on taxes, and how we all have to pay sales tax. On the flip side, income tax from your paycheck was also discussed. The final discussion topic was on paying yourself first, or in simpler terms, saving and the power of of saving a small amount from each paycheck. Overall the 35 minute performance was entertaining and interactive with the students, and we were very excited to have the NTC North Mahaska again.