RD Keep/NM Communications
Nine new members were inducted into the North Mahaska Honor Society March 14. Pictured are front row current members: Andy Knockel, Benjamin Bunn, Lucy Gipple, Carson Doak, Katie Fogle and Clay Thompson. Back row new members: Jack Kelderman, Trenton Hol, Brayden Veiseth, Ben Yang, Breckyn Schilling, Riley Doonan, Sierra Meyers, Jocelyn Van’t Sant and Stacia Dunnick.
Two seniors and seven juniors were inducted into the North Mahaska Honor Society March 14. The nine join six other current members of the society. Society advisors are Kate Hite and Molly Ray.
Seniors Jocelyn Van’t Sant and Brayden Veiseth along with juniors Riley Doonan, Stacia Dunnick, Trenton Hol, Jack Kelderman, Sierra Meyers, Breckyn Schilling and Ben Yang were honored on their induction into the society. Current members, Benjamin Bunn, Carson Doak, Lucy Gipple, Katie Fogle, Andy Knockel and Clay Thompson escorted the new inductees into the auditorium, Following a candle lighting ceremony, advisor Hite placed medals around the inductee’s neck and junior-senior high principal Josh McCollam presented each with their certificate.
Parents and guardians joined the inductees on stage to enjoy the moment and had their photos taken. Refreshments and fellowship time followed the ceremony.